31 March

Air Barrier Continuity

Without continuity, air barrier system performance is compromised. 

In cold climates, breaks in the air barrier cause air leaks causing warm moisture-laden air to escape from the interior and condense on cold surfaces of the wall assembly.  Conversely, in hot, humid climates, breaks in the air barrier permit moisture-laden air from the exterior to infiltrate the building envelope and condense on a cold surface within the wall assembly.  For the air barrier to be effective, it must be continuous. 

To ensure continuity, each component – including wall or window assemblies, foundations and roofs – must all be properly interconnected. Proper interconnectivity prevents air leakage at the joints and between materials, components, assemblies and systems.  The design professional, general contractor, and installer must take material compatibly and construction sequencing into account when designing and constructing an airtight assembly to ensure continuity. 

Contact the air and vapor barrier experts at Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing for project specific questions, details and applications guidance. They may be reached at 888-229-2199 or [email protected] . 

For straight-forward information about how new wall assemblies containing plastic foam insulation and combustible weather barriers can meet tough new NFPA 285 standards, please visit fireresistccw.com.

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