21 August

Avoid costly waterproofing mistakes with this checklist

After site preparation, waterproofing contractors are the first trades on-site for below-grade blindside waterproofing jobs. Their work is followed by other related trades such as foundation contractors, concrete contractors, steel reinforcement contractors, utility contractors and others.  

Coordination with these trades is key to ensuring the membrane is not breached and tie-ins are compatible and water tight. Once the waterproofing membrane is covered, reasonable and cost-effective resolutions are not an option to correct discontinuous waterproofing conditions. You only get one chance to get it right!

Fortunately, design professionals and contractors have plenty of opportunities to “get it right” prior to membrane concealment. Proper planning, sequencing and coordination are essential management tools, especially for blindside waterproofing jobs. This pre-installation checklist can help you avoid costly mistakes.

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