17 April

Course teaches essentials for fire safe wall assemblies

Recent changes in commercial wall assembly design increase energy efficiency, but also present new challenges to meeting building code fire safety provisions. 

Specifying Air Barrier Membranes that Comply with Building Code Fire Safety Provisions is a free course compiled by experts at Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing with credentials from the Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA).

Hosted by AECDaily, the course focuses on air barrier membranes and the proper integration of these materials into fire-safe wall assemblies.

The self-paced, course contains Sustainable Design (SD) information, is available 24 hours per day, seven days a week. All from the comfort of a favorite chair, students can receive 1.5 hours of continuing education credit, which is automatically reported to numerous organizations in the United States and Canada.

Participants must create an account with AEC Daily before downloading the material. Go here to sign up for the course, Specifying Air Barrier Membranes that Comply with Building Code Fire Safety Provisions

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