19 November

Rubberized asphalt loses tie game with flexible PVC

Construction is a contact sport so it pays to know the rules when it comes to knowing which materials play well with others.
In the case of materials comprised of rubberized asphalt—like CCW-705 and CCW MiraDRI 860/861 – you should expect staining if you perform a tie-in with a material composed of flexible plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC).


That’s because plasticizers in flexible PVC are chemically incompatible with rubberized asphalt. When they come in direct contact with one another, plasticizers dissolve the rubberized asphalt causing it to liquefy.  The result is a damaged rubberized asphalt membrane and a stained, discolored PVC membrane.  (Note: Rubberized asphalt is compatible with rigid PVC, a PVC pipe, for example, and will not be affected when in direct contact with one another.)


Avoiding a damaged rubberized asphalt membrane when performing a tie in with PVC is not rocket science, it’s chemistry.  Thankfully, the solution is easy: separate the membranes using a metal or other compatible sealant. That’s it.


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